Types of prostatitis in men and their characteristics

Prostatitis is a dangerous, but, unfortunately, very common disease of the male genitourinary system. Previously, the disease occurred mainly in elderly men, today urologists are increasingly diagnosing this disease in young patients. Every man who cares about his health should know what types of prostatitis there are and how they manifest.

Reasons for the development of prostatitis

hypothermia as a cause of prostatitis

Acute hypothermia of the prostate is the surest way to win prostatitis.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. This disease must be diagnosed and treated in time, otherwise serious consequences are possible.

The causative agents of this disease are divided into two large groups - infectious and non-infectious. Infectious causes of this disease include:

  • opportunistic pathogens that are always present in the human body;
  • fungi;
  • sexually transmitted bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • mycobacteria.

Opportunistic pathogens of this disease are Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, since most often infectious prostatitis is caused by these pathogens. They enter the prostate from the gastrointestinal tract with the movement of blood or lymph. Also, the disease can be caused by penetration of pyogenic bacteria (pneumococci, staphylococci) from the urethra or by hematogenous route.

The fungi that cause prostatitis are most often yeast microflora of the genus Candida. Infection with this fungus can be sexually transmitted, but Candida is an important part of the normal human microflora, so it can enter the prostate from other organs and systems. In rare cases, fungal prostatitis is caused by molds.

Inflammation of the prostate can be caused by infection with syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other infections that are transmitted through unprotected sex.

In rare cases, viruses become the cause of the disease. So, prostatitis can develop against the background of influenza or SARS, in the case of the spread of the virus in the body with blood flow. Tuberculosis of the prostate is isolated separately. This is a dangerous disease associated with infection of the organ with Koch's bacillus, the causative agent of tuberculosis.

Non-infectious causes of inflammation of the prostate:

  • stagnation of prostatic secretion;
  • violation of blood circulation and outflow of lymph from the pelvic organs;
  • hypothermia of the genitals;
  • Varicose veins.

In general, non-infectious prostatitis is often called the "disease of office workers" because its development is directly related to the lack of physical activity.

Risk factors

sedentary work as a cause of prostatitis

If earlier the main risk group for the development of this disease was men over 50 years old, today there are many more risk factors, so young men aged 23-25 years are increasingly faced with prostatitis. The risk of developing inflammation of the prostate increases due to:

  • lack of regular sex life;
  • sedentary work and hypodynamia;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • malnutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • unprotected sex.

Lack of sex life is the main enemy of the prostate gland. But at the same time too intense sex life also damages this organ. If, with prolonged abstinence, inflammation can be caused by stagnation of the prostate secretion that comes out during ejaculation, a rich sexual life exhausts the prostate gland, thus provoking the development of prostatitis.

The human body needs regular physical activity. Otherwise, the blood circulation of the pelvic organs deteriorates, which leads to swelling of the prostate gland and disruption of tissue trophism of the organ, and this, in turn, is the main reason for the development of non-infectious inflammation of the prostate.

Among the risk factors there is also a decrease in immunity, promiscuity and various diseases of the genitourinary system, which can be a potential source of infection.

Classification of prostatitis

To understand what prostatitis is, the classification of diseases will help in the first place. However, it is not recommended to diagnose yourself by describing the symptoms. At the first signs of discomfort, you should consult a urologist. It should be understood that different types of prostatitis manifest themselves in different ways, but all of them pose a threat to men's health in the absence of timely treatment.

Regardless of the form of prostatitis, treatment should begin as early as possible. Early diagnosis and timely therapy is a chance to get rid of the disease in a few weeks without the risk of complications.

Prostatitis is classified according to the nature of the inflammation and the degree of involvement of the prostate tissue in the pathological process. Each form of the disease has specific signs that are detected during the examination. So the results of the analysis of prostate secretion, which should be taken from all men with suspected inflammation of the prostate, will tell the most about the type of disease.

What is acute prostatitis?

problems with urination in prostatitis

Before considering the specific forms of the inflammatory process in the prostate, it is necessary to understand what prostatitis is according to the nature of the course. There are two main forms - acute and chronic inflammation.

Acute prostatitis is a rapidly spreading inflammation of the prostate. Most often, this is a disease caused by any pathogens. However, the non-infectious form of the disease can also manifest itself in an acute form, for example, during the initial manifestation.

Acute prostatitis is characterized by bright symptoms. Men complain of severe urination disorders, severe pain radiating to the perineum, waist, anus. Discomfort increases when trying to urinate and ejaculate.

Features of chronic prostatitis

The chronic form of the disease is the result of acute prostatitis. This type of prostatitis in men has less pronounced symptoms and is mainly associated with the lack of treatment or inadequate therapy of acute prostatitis. The pathology is characterized by slow inflammation, which can sometimes worsen.

Symptoms of the disease: weak stream of urine, slow erection, weak arousal. With chronic prostatitis, the nightly desire to go to the toilet increases, during defecation discomfort is felt in the prostate gland, manifested by a feeling of squeezing or bursting of the organ.

With hypothermia or a decrease in immunity, the symptoms intensify, pains and spasms appear in the bladder, the desire to go to the toilet becomes more frequent.

Bacterial prostatitis: characteristics and symptoms

One of the most common types of disease is bacterial prostatitis. It is caused by the penetration of various bacteria into the prostate gland. Most often, the causative agent is Escherichia or Pseudomonas aeruginosa, or other conditionally pathogenic bacteria inhabiting the human body.

The main reasons for its development are a decrease in immunity, severe stress, smoking and other conditions that weaken the body.

Bacterial prostatitis manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • pain and pain during urination associated with irritation of the urethra from bacteria penetrating from the prostate;
  • high body temperature;
  • symptoms of general intoxication: nausea, dizziness, weakness;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • passing blood in the urine.

This form of the disease progresses rapidly and can lead to an abscess of the prostate. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist.

Infectious prostatitis

Prostatitis caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses is called infectious. In fact, bacterial prostatitis is a type of infectious inflammation. This type of pathology has the same symptoms as bacterial inflammation.

The infectious form of the disease can appear in acute and chronic form. As a rule, the chronic form of the disease develops due to complications or improper treatment of an acute inflammatory process.

Viral prostatitis

viral infection as a cause of prostatitis

Acute respiratory viral infection can serve as a catalyst for the development of viral prostatitis

The most dangerous and poorly studied form of infectious prostatitis is inflammation of a viral nature. It can be caused by herpes, human papillomavirus, the causative agent of measles, rubella, influenza. Often, inflammation of the prostate gland occurs against the background of the spread of the causative agent of the usual SARS.

The problem with viral prostatitis is that antibiotic therapy is ineffective and antiviral agents do not penetrate the tissues of the prostate gland well.

As a result, a long course of treatment with antiviral agents and immunomodulators is required, after which there is a possibility that the disease will become chronic and treatment will continue with other drugs. This form of prostatitis often leads to infertility at a young age.

Fungal prostatitis

This is a rare form of the disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. The main characteristic of this type of inflammation is the almost complete absence of symptoms in the initial stage. Thus, fungal prostatitis does not manifest itself in an acute form, but immediately turns into a chronic disease.

Purulent prostatitis

This is the most severe and dangerous form of infectious inflammation caused by pyogenic bacteria. The pathology occurs in an acute form, manifested by high body temperature and the release of purulent masses from the urethra. The disease can lead to an abscess of the prostate, which requires urgent hospitalization and surgery, otherwise the abscess can burst and become infected with purulent blood masses.

Calculous form of inflammation

Calculi or stones can form in the prostate gland. They represent phosphate deposits and calcifications in the walls of the organ. The stone irritates the prostate tissue, causing an inflammatory response. This form of the disease is characterized by blood in the urine and sharp pain during defecation due to the movement of salt deposits due to muscle tension and damage to the prostate tissue. This form of the disease occurs in adult men. In addition, calculous prostatitis is considered a complication of stagnant prostatitis, which the man has not treated.


ultrasound diagnosis of prostatitis

Having understood the types of prostatitis in men and the symptoms of various types of inflammation, it becomes clear that the diagnosis should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. It is necessary to contact a urologist at the first signs of discomfort and undergo examinations. To establish the diagnosis, palpation of the prostate, analysis of prostatic secretion and ultrasound of the organ are performed.

The cause of the inflammation is determined by the composition of the prostate juice, its consistency and quantity. Ultrasound is done to rule out calculous prostatitis. Based on the results of these tests, a diagnosis is made and an optimal treatment regimen is prescribed.

Treatment of inflammation

The signs and symptoms of prostatitis depend on the type of disease. Treatment is selected individually for each patient, depending on the nature of the inflammatory process. Basically, all bacterial inflammatory processes are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics with antimicrobial action. Antiviral drugs and drugs to increase immune defense are used to treat a viral disease. The fungal form of the disease requires the use of special drugs - antifungals.

So-called biostimulators of the prostate are used to eliminate non-infectious inflammation. These are drugs that improve the trophism of the tissues of the inflamed organ, dilute the secretion of the prostate and stimulate its outflow. These drugs improve body functions.

In addition, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. In the acute form of the disease, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain and fever. If a man has serious problems with urination, drugs are used that relax the muscles of the bladder and urethra - alpha-blockers.

Herbal diuretics, suppositories that improve blood circulation in the gland, anti-inflammatory drugs with a natural composition and other groups of drugs are additionally used.

It is important to remember that self-medication can significantly harm health. Drug therapy should be prescribed only by the attending physician.

How to prevent the development of the disease?

consultation with a doctor about prostatitis

To prevent the disease, you should regularly undergo medical examinations.

Prevention of prostatitis is a topical issue for all men. For a healthy prostate you need:

  • treat all diseases in a timely manner;
  • always dress for the weather and avoid genital hypothermia;
  • take care of your health and use contraception;
  • lead an active lifestyle;
  • Do sports;
  • to give up bad habits;
  • eat right.

For prevention, all men are advised to consume pumpkin seeds in small quantities, as this product is a natural protector of the prostate.

Also, all men over 40 should visit a urologist once a year, even in the absence of complaints.